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I was born and raised in Texas and am currently living in NC. I'm happily married and have a son. ... View More
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Churches Love Doing This To Their Drummer | Jonnie W.
Comedian Jonnie W on what churches love doing to their drummer...
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Music In Pentecostal Churches Is Crazy... | Jonnie W.
Comedian Jonnie W on why music in Pentecostal Churches is crazy...
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The One Thing I Dislike About Chick-fil-A | Jonnie W.
Comedian Jonnie W on the one thing he doesn’t like about Chick-fil-a…
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Being A Pentecostal Kid Is The Worst | Jonnie W.
Comedian Jonnie W on being a Pentecostal kid…
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No One Likes The Church Drummer | Jonnie W.
Comedian Jonnie W on no one liking the church drummer…
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