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Mike Leblanc

Male. Lives in Lufkin, Texas, Texas, United States. Born on September 13, 1945. Is single.
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I’ve lived a whole life since retirement from the Calcasieu School Board (Lake Charles) in 2010, wor... View More
Mike Leblanc
updated his cover photo.
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Mike Leblanc
The above photo is at Arlington Cemetery, December 2009 and is just down from the Eternal Flame of JFK's memorial.
December 15, 2023
Mike Leblanc
updated his profile photo.
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Mike Leblanc
Yep, the above photo is current. Made in October 2023. I'm 78, retired, live in Lufkin and single.
December 15, 2023
Mike Leblanc
updated his cover photo.
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Mike Leblanc
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Mike Leblanc
updated his profile photo.
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